“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” 

–Mark Twain

About the crew

Depending on the trip we have different crew to accommodate the guests and the various adventures we are on.

Crew Quarters

If you want to join our crew please contact the captain for more information.


Being a captain in the Swedish archipelago is a lot of responsibilit because of the many islands and shallow underwater rocks. Being a competent and responsible skipper is of very high concern to us. Having sailed these waters for many years, gives our crew the confidence to relax onboard, so they can focus on the important things and gives our passengers ease of mind to be able to relax and enjoy their adventures.

Captain Stellan

Fartygsbefäl klass VIII

Hello! My name is Stellan and I am the captain of the ship.

I am a adventurer at heart, and I love nature in all its forms, particularly I love the ocean.

Welcome aboard mates

Curabitur eros ex, elementum eu purus id, pulvinar elementum risus. Aliquam at lacinia purus, eget vehicula justo. Nunc at felis nec purus porta volutpat aliquam nec eros. Nunc pharetra tellus nec urna posuere egestas leo blandit augue mollis rhoncus.

Pellentesque ac sagittis nulla. Vivamus facilisis pretium euismod. Nullam ipsum sed lectus tempus, sit amet luctus neque dapibus.